Supporting Sustainable Renovation
Following the publication of our successful Sustainable Renovation Guide which discussed the principles of a more holistic approach to retrofit along with a number of practical examples, the Pebble Trust commissioned John Gilbert Architects to write a follow-up pamphlet.
The pamplet sets out a range of policy proposals which could be actioned by Scottish Government and other agencies to provide the wider context within which these efforts could be best supported.
The guide includes detailed information and drawings of exactly how parts of a building can be upgraded along with a commentary on practical issues to look out for.
Specifically, these measures would help:
- Ensure Scotland meets its own targets for carbon reduction, health and well-being and economic development
- More effectively achieve energy efficiency (reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty)
- Safeguard the comfort and health of people in their own homes
- Safeguard the condition of building fabric generally, and Scotland’s built heritage
Within the current context of national infrastructure status and spending, these fifteen proposals would lead to a shift in focus from quantity to quality in retrofit practice, which may cost more in the short term in order to save disproportionately large sums in the long term.
This pamphlet complements the original guide and will be of interest to anyone involved in energy, health and housing / built environment at a policy or regulatory level, as well as those who procure and design retrofit projects in public and private section organisation.