Pebble Trust Project List
Applicant | Project | Grant | Year | Description | Category | Link |
Adam Veitch | Small oat dehuller testing | £2,480.00 | 2022/23 | To further develop and test a prototype small scale oats dehuller, designed and constructed as part of an open source grain machinery research project funded by the Seed Sovereignty Programme. Working with the James Hutton Institute, the aim is to develop the equipment to the stage where it can be rolled out for use by small-scale grain growers and processors. | Food | ↑ |
An Tobar & Mull Theatre | Creative Learning, Creative Spaces: sustainability & green education | £2,631.00 | 2024/25 | To create a Green Education Programme to engage the community with the climate crisis through creative learning. Through talks and events, the programme aims to educate the community on the climate crisis’s impact on the island of Mull and engage them in collective action to address these challenges. It also aims to connect different organisations across the island who are committed to sustainability and change. | Education | ↑ |
ATLAS Arts | Climavore: On tidal zones | £5,000.00 | 2017/18 | *To explore how to diversify into and promote ecological aquaculture practices such as seaweed and bivalve farming;*To create an art installation and dining experience at low tide | Food | ↑ |
ATLAS Arts | Climavore 2 | £10,000.00 | 2018/19 | Phase 2 of the CLIMAVORE project explored how to diversify into and promote ecological aquaculture practices such as seaweed and bivalve farming. In addition, a free educational programme was provided in collaboration with stakeholders and local chefs. | Food, Education | ↑ |
Ballachulish Primary School Parent Council | Growing food and trees at Ballachulish School | £1,712.00 | 2022/23 | Funding was awarded to support the growing of fruit and vegetables in an existing but unused polytunnel and to establish trees in the school grounds. The project will be managed by volunteers from the parent council with the support of the school staff. The children will be involved at all stages from sowing to harvesting as well as in the decision making. The aims are to inspire the children to engage with nature and develop more sustainable lifestyles, lower carbon footprints and provide habitat for wildlife. | Food | |
Barra Children’s Centre | Barra & Vatersay Science Festival | £3,600.00 | 2022/23 | Contribution towards to a 2-day science festival on the Isle of Barra in July 2023, aimed at all school age children,families and the wider community. Expected outcomes include: increased local knowledge of the carbon neutral islands project; young people volunteering as STEM leaders with the aim of leading workshops post-festival; increased awareness of addressing STEM issues through a climate lens. | Education, Energy | ↑ |
Barvas Wind Turbine | Barvas Local Supply | £5,000.00 | 2018/19 | Contribution toward the establishment of a community owned wind turbine by Urras Sgire Oighreachd Bharabhais Community Company. | Energy | ↑ |
Boleskine House Foundation | Decarbonisation of Boleskine House | £10,000.00 | 2024/25 | This decarbonisation project of this heritage building will include: Environmental protection - adaptation to renewable technologies; Education - on-site and digital events on best practice sustainable renovation; Community - estate-based activities supporting individuals to contribute to improving the environment and leading more sustainable lifestyles. | Energy | ↑ |
Camas Outdoor Centre | Renewable energy system | £5,000.00 | 2019/20 | To develop the renewable energy system at the off-grid outdoor centre on the Ross of Mull, improving the reliability, increasing the life-span and reducing maintenance costs. | Education | ↑ |
Carrbridge Community Orchard | Carrbridge Community Orchard | £5,000.00 | 2023/24 | Contribution towards the creation of a community orchard for the benefit of local people, visitors, and wildlife. | Food | ↑ |
CLIMAVORE CIC | Community engagement internship | £10,000 | 2024/25 | Contributing to the creation and delivery of a series of events, the internship work will focus around local food production, utilising food waste in an innovative low carbon building material, and how this relates to the Scottish Government's Community Wealth Building agenda. The internship presents a unique opportunity for a young person to gain knowledge and experience of regenerative aquacultures, circular economies, community organising and event management. | Internship | ↑ |
Coigach Community Development Co Ltd | Coigach Community Garden | £2,500 | 2024/25 | Funding was provided towards equipment to run a pilot community garden in Achiltibuie for the Coigach community with a view to understanding the potential of the proposed site and engaging with the community. Outputs will include a feasibility study and business plan exploring the potential for the community to take on the asset. | Food | ↑ |
Colin Gordon | Inchindown field to loaf bakery | £6,778.00 | 2022/23 | To purchase and install a small-scale stone mill at Inchindown Farm to enable the setting up an on site seed-to-loaf bakery. The mill will be a critical part of developing a prototype of how no-input, local grain systems and economies can work. Learnings will be shared with grain networks and others. | Food | ↑ |
Common Ground Forum | Outreach, Support and Long Term Planning | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | The Common Ground Forum is a network of individuals and organisations from across Scotland’s upland deer management sector who have committed to work together to develop a more collaborative approach to deer management. Funding was provided towards Phase 2 to:* Carry out collaborative advocacy to the Scottish Government by proposing positive actions and solutions* Help the deer stalking community adapt positively to the coming changes in upland deer management* Ensure Deer Management Groups act as an effective forum for discussing land management issues in a constructive, respectful way | Forests & land | ↑ |
Community Development Lens | Uist Beò: Promoting sustainable and resilient island living | £8,900.00 | 2024/25 | Through the Uist Beò digital platform, this project will gather and share stories of individuals, businesses and community organisations delivering on sustainable living, insights and good practice, sourced from younger and older generations. | Education | ↑ |
Community Energy Malawi | Scaling up renewable energy access in Malawi | £10,000.00 | 2022/23 | Building on the success of their 80kw Sitolo Solar Minigrid project, CEM received funding to carry out pre-feasibility studies, community engagement and partnership formation in 100 rural communities that lack access to sustainable energy. | Energy | ↑ |
Community Energy Malawi | Electricity access in off-grid villages in Malawi | £9,761.00 | 2024/25 | CEM aims to replicate its Sitolo Solar Mininigrid in seven more villages, providing clean and affordable electricity to remote offgrid communities.. Funding will support feasibility studies and engage consultants to help with financial modelling, deal structuring , productive use of energy development planning and implementation planning | Energy | ↑ |
Community Energy Scotland | Western Isles Energy in Motion | £5,000.00 | 2019/20 | To support community groups across the Western Isles in building awareness, capacity and experience about sustainable transport – a first step in enabling widespread development of community-led sustainable transport projects throughout the Western Isles. | Transport | ↑ |
Community Energy Scotland | Local Energy Economies | £5,000.00 | 2016/17 | To hold a pilot residential workshop to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration between communities and keyplayers to help drive forward CES's Local Energy Economies agenda. | Energy | ↑ |
Community Energy Scotland | Uist Local Energy Plan | £5,000.00 | 2021/22 | Funding was provided towards the development of a Local Energy Plan for Uist. The Plan will explore opportunities for efficient use of local energy to meet local heat, electricity and transport needs. | Energy | ↑ |
Community Woodlands Assocation | Economic & social benefits of native woodlands | £4,983.00 | 2022/23 | To recruit a Native Woods Project Officer who will work with four community woodland groups in Argyll and Highland to co-produce a suite of case studies to illustrate the social and economic benefits of community management of native woodlands. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Community Woodlands Association | Internship | £6,000.00 | 2021/22 | As part of a three month internship, to employ a recent graduate to work with CWA member groups across H&I to develop and pilot mechanisms to better document and showcase the various social, economic and environmental benefits they deliver. | Internship | ↑ |
Crown Connects | Hill/Crown community orchard | £2,500.00 | 2020/21 | To create an orchard in Inverness city centre by encouraging and supporting local residents and organisations to grow fruit trees,bringing people together, sharing knowledge, experience and produce. | Food | ↑ |
CSA Network | CSA support in Scotland | £6192.80 | 2019/20 | To build Community Supported Agriculture in Scotland, in particular H&I, supporting and growing the existing CSA schemes and helping start new ones. | Food | ↑ |
CSA Network | Growing Community Supported Agriculture in Scotland | £9,910.00 | 2023/24 | To continue the work of building CSA in Scotland, including generating interest in H&I, by delivering mentoring sessions, running a gathering and continuing to work on Scottish policy. In addition two Scottish start-ups will be invited to take part in the CSA Incubator scheme which gives them business and finance support and mentoring over a two-year period. | Food | ↑ |
Edel Rae | Farewell Glacier | £3,401.00 | 2021/22 | In collaboration with Highland musicians/composers and poet Nick Drake, to present a musical/spoken work production of Drake's The Farewell Glacier as part of the COP26 Green Zone Cultural Programme. | Education | ↑ |
Eigg Heritage Trust | Isle of Eigg Tree Nursery | £5,000.00 | 2017/18 | To provide a supply of trees from local seed which are adapted to the local environment, supporting an increase in native woodland cover and a sustainable source of wood fuel. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Ekopia | Findhorn Hive | £5,000.00 | 2017/18 | Funding was awarded towards the establishment of a Social Enterprise Hub, with the aim of providing a collaborative, supportive and affordable working space for innovative social enterprises in the Moray area. Based at Findhorn Ecovillage, the hub provides offices, workshops, spaces for food production/craft activities and facilities such as hot-desking, along with access to social networks, peer support, information and expertise. | Economy | ↑ |
Elizabeth Penman | Wildlife/environmental film for teenagers | £5,000.00 | 2020/21 | To produce a film with the aim of engaging, educating and inspiring young people in Scotland to care about our wildlife, environment and climate change. The film focuses on the climate and biodiversity crises and how the power of film and storytelling can make a difference. | Education | ↑ |
Elsie Normington | Haven Centre | £5,000.00 | 2015/16 | Funding was provided towards the establishment of The Haven Centre, a fully adapted indoor and outdoor play centre, respite flats, supported flats and a community cafe and garden for children and young adults with learning disabilities in the Highlands. | Education | ↑ |
Findhorn Hinterland Trust | Completing the Outdoor Learning Space | £5,000.00 | 2019/20 | To carry out works to complete the outdoor learning centre in the Edible Forest Garden to provide greater opportunities for schools and the community to learn about sustainable lifestyles. | Education | ↑ |
Forest to Fork | Remote deer extraction | £1,603.05 | 2024/25 | Funding for the acquisition of a portable Capstan winch to facilitate remote deer extraction, providing a safe and efficient method of extracting deer carcasses from currently inaccessible locations. Experience of using the winch will be shared to encourage wider adoption of this low impact extraction method. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Garden & Ecology Trail Sandwick (GAETS) | Stove to Hoswick cycle path | £4,000.00 | 2017/18 | To complete an active travel route from Stove to Hoswick on Shetland | Transport | |
Garve & District Development Company | Connecting communities | £8,255.59 | 2023/24 | To support the appointment of a Community Transport Officer to work in partnership with Garve & District and Contin Communities. The Transport Officer will act as project lead for the ‘Connecting Communities’ low carbon community transport proposal. | Transport | ↑ |
Glengarry Community Woodlands | Glengarry Community Woodlands for all | £7,127.00 | 2023/24 | To create a social area, including event shelter, tree nursery and polytunnel, community garden, willow beds, a wood-fired pizza oven and pathways. The project also involves running a series of events to promote community use of the space. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Glenurquhart Care Project | Care Centre energy saving | £5,000.00 | 2019/20 | * To replace the centre's existing heating with a renewable system, reducing the Centre’s carbon footprint and helping to ensure its long term viability.* To share energy consumption and findings with other local community groups and feed back to the Local Energy Plan Development Group. | Energy | ↑ |
GRAB Trust | Lorn & Oban reuse initiative - furniture reuse project | £7,496.00 | 2023/24 | The Lorn & Oban Reuse Initiative is a social enterprise that aims to help individuals and households to reduce, reuse and recycle, by collecting and selling items of furniture that they no longer use, reducing the volume of waste going to landfill. Funding was provided to allow the introduction of a Gift Aid scheme, to make improvements to the service and increase revenue. | Waste | ↑ |
Green Hive Community Hub | Green Hub feasibility study | £5,000.00 | 2019/20 | To carry out a feasibility study and produce development and business plans for the establishment of a community hub. The hub would include retail and workshop facilities, an income generating cafe and provide a welcoming place for local people. | Economy | ↑ |
Heartstone CIC | Cùra Guardian - Roadshow | £5,500.00 | 2023/34 | Funding towards Cùra Guardian roadshow, a story-based project led by Heartstone together with partners Ullapool High School & Ullapool Youth Development. The event will include an exhibition, a dance-drama performance and an overseas connection with Heartstone's indigenous community partners. The event is designed to inspire, educate and develop greater awareness/respect for the natural world. | Education | ↑ |
Hebridean Charcuterie from Croft no 9 | Wild and free salami | £6,507.00 | 2021/22 | To purchase equipment for a small scale charcuterie business using local meat in the Western Isles; to produce case studies and deliver seminars on crofting for local food, the potential of local charcuterie production, the use of non-plastic packaging for small businesses. | Food | ↑ |
Helmsdale & District Devt Trust | Helmsdale Kitchen Garden | £4,535.77 | 2018/19 | To establish a sustainable kitchen garden with allotments and polytunnels linked to community training and engagement for lower carbon food choices and recycling. | Food | ↑ |
Highland Council | Good Grub | £1,839.00 | 2018/19 | Delivery of a food growing initiative using public space in Highland Council premises, encouraging staff to share knowledge and skills and promote the growing of healthy food. | Food | ↑ |
Highland Good Food Partnership | Highland Good Food Conversation & Conference | £17,763.00 | 2020/21 | To provide initial and continuing funding and trustee support to The Highland Good Food Partnership which is working with public, private and charity sector bodies to improve the food systems in the Highlands - making them better for the public as a whole, better for the environment, and better for those working in the sector. | Food, Economy | ↑ |
Highland One World | Art for Action | £10,000.00 | 2024/25 | To deliver an Art for Action climate ‘artivism’ project to run in conjunction with the Mock COP29 event in Inverness, supporting children and young people across the Highlands and Islands to share their views | Education | ↑ |
Highland One World | Supporting climate learning, agency & action in Highland schools & beyond | £10,000.00 | 2022/23 | To develop and deliver a COP27 programme for schools in Highland.This will include:* Hosting a full-day Mock COP 27 event for secondary school pupils from 12 highland schools;* Supporting participating schools with resources, training and mentoring;* Supporting primary schools to prepare art activism projects to be displayed during the fortnight of COP 27. | Education | ↑ |
Highland One World | Learning for Climate Change and Sustainability in Highland Primaries | £4,515.00 | 2019/20 | *To deliver training courses to primary school teachers across Highland to develop teachers’ knowledge, skills and strategies, with the aim of increasing pupils’ awareness of the issues around climate change and sustainability, locally and globally; *To produce a resource sheet highlighting the best in global citizenship education resources to explore climate change ahead of COP26. | Education | ↑ |
Highland Seedlings | Polytunnel upgrade | £6300.69 | 2022/23 | To buy and install a polytunnel to continue and expand their programme of growing free veg plants for their local community and community groups/schools/nurseries across the Highlands. Education is embedded in this programme through the growing advice, courses and mentoring that accompany the free plants. | Food | ↑ |
Holm Primary School Parent Council | Growing our learning | £4,682.00 | 2024/25 | Provision of a polytunnel, where children can study plant life, lifecycles and learn care and responsibility for nature. The polytunnel and outdoor area will also provide a quieter space for children with additional support needs as well as supporting the school's green team in delivering a sustainable future and teaching/learning/developing greener ways to live. Strong links wih Holm Grow make this very much a community based project. | Food,Education | ↑ |
Institute for Public Policy Research (Scotland) | Funding a just transition to zero emissions heat in Scotland | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | Retrofitting homes in Scotland for zero emissions heating poses opportunities and challenges. This research project will examine policy options to allocate costs and benefits of the heat transition, recommending a core just transition package. | Energy | ↑ |
Inverness High School | Farm Extension Project | £2,250.00 | 2015/16 | To further develop the School Farm which is used to provide a flexible route to education by giving young people the opportunity to learn about sustainability and participate in a wide range of outdoor educational pursuits and receive accreditation through ASDAN for their achievements. | Education, Food | ↑ |
Inverness Royal Academy | The Green Core | £3025.29 | 2024/25 | The Additional Support Needs Department received funding to develop The Green Core, the school garden. The grant will go towards an additional polytunnel, a potting shed and building a path in the Garden of Reflection. | Education, | ↑ |
Iochdar Community Council | Slighe an Iochdar | £10,000.00 | 2022/23 | Towards the development of a community pathway around the Iochdar catchment area, linking the school, community services and shops with the areas that people live. The project aims to make their local area a safer and better place to walk, wheel, cycle - and live. | Transport | ↑ |
Iona Energy Ltd | Iona heat network | £4,990.00 | 2018/19 | To bring a renewable energy network to the Isle of Iona. Funding contributed towards the initial set up cost for the community contribution and to support financial management and advice. | Energy | |
Islay & Jura Community Enterprises | Whisky Island Sustainability | £3,500.00 | 2015/16 | To undertake a feasibility study to reduce the energy costs and carbon emissions of Islay's largest & most used community facility; to disseminate the results to local schools, the communities of Islay and Jura, and other operators of leisure centres in the Highlands | Energy | ↑ |
Isobel Rhind Centre | Isobel Rhind Garden Project | £4,189.20 | 2021/22 | * To develop a 'ground to plate' project at this resource centre for adults with learning disabilities, growing vegetables and supporting individuals to gain cooking skills;* To expand and develop wood working groups, using recycled wood to make items such as small wooden planters | Food, Education | ↑ |
Jess Read | Cycling playbook for rural communities in Scotland | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | The aim of this project is to lead the debate around the potential of cycling to be at the heart of 20 minute neighbourhoods in small rural towns and villages in Scotland. Funding was provided towards Phase 1 which will develop a 20 Minute Neighbourhood Cycling Playbook as an inspirational and technical resource. Four rural locations in Scotland including both towns and villages will be explored as case studies. | Transport | |
John Muir Trust | Quinag Women's Deer Stalking Group | £5,000.00 | 2021/22 | To pilot a women’s stalking programme based around Quinag estate in Sutherland. Traditionally a male dominated activity, the intention is to involve more women, open stalking up to the community and provide a local, sustainable food resource. | Education, Economy | ↑ |
Julia Barton | LOST: Climate action exhibition & events | £4,680.00 | 2022/23 | To produce an immersive climate action exhibition which aims to explore and highlight the lost energy that plastic pollution represents and how this directly contributes to our Climate Crisis. To produce and manage two related climate action events. | Waste, Energy | ↑ |
Karen MacKelvie | Nature Nudge | £4,879.98 | 2020/21 | To produce short nature learning videos with accompanying activity sheets, to support and inspire curriculum linked outdoor learning for pupils, parents and teachers during the lockdown period due to Covid-19. | Education | ↑ |
Knockfarrel Produce | Highland Micro CEA - Phase 1 | £10,000.00 | 2022/23 | To support the building of a micro Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) structure on Knockfarrel Croft. Phase 1 includes the construction of a Keder insulated greenhouse; fitting out of two growing zones; dissemination of project activity to growers through the Highland Good Food Partnership (HGFP) CEA group. | Food | ↑ |
Knocknagael Allotments Association | Knocknagael Allotments Feasibility | £4,030.00 | 2015/16 | To carry out a feasibility study to develop allotments at Knocknagael farm. | Food | ↑ |
Knoydart Community Farm CIC | Community polytunnel | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | Funding was awarded towards the purchase of a polytunnel, with the aim of producing healthy and affordable food for the community through a veg box scheme and sale of produce in the community owned shop. | Food | ↑ |
Knoydart Tree Nursery CIC | Knoydart Tree Nursery | £10,000.00 | 2022/23 | To expand on a successful pilot project by setting up a larger, more functional tree nursery and employ a nursery co-ordinator, enabling the business to keep up with the demand for local provenance, native tree nursery planting stock for Knoydart. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Kyle & Lochalsh Community Trust | Community Garden on the Plock | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | To employ a community grower to complete and manage the community garden, situated within The Plock, a 60 acre site of amenity ground owned and managed by the Trust. The community grower will teach skills in growing food, the importance of reducing food miles and food waste and of increasing food resilience locally. | Food | ↑ |
Landworkers Alliance | LWA Scotland first publication | £3,452.00 | 2020/21 | To collaboratively create and publish ‘The Landworkers' Alliance in Scotland - A manifesto for change’, in support of LWA members in Scotland, building their membership and voice. | Food | ↑ |
Loch of Ayre Walkway Association | Loch of Ayre walkway | £1,000.00 | 2021/22 | Contribution towards the establishment of a fully accessible walkway round the Loch of Ayre, with tree planting and bird hide. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Lockett Agri-Environmental | River Peffery Restoration | £4,396.00 | 2020/21 | To carry out a topographical survey on a section of the Peffery River to assess its suitability for the creation of 800m of new, re-meandered river channel, along with 7ha of new floodplain wetland with ponds, pools, scrapes and riparian woodlands. If successful, the project would improve biodiversity and potentially reduce flood risk as well as providing community benefit. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Lockett Agri-Environmental | Peffery Wet Woodland | £2,000.00 | 2022/23 | To carry out the second stage of the Peffery Restoration Project which aims to re-meander and restore a straightened section of the River Peffery, creating 2.3 ha of wet woodland. The new channel will have a natural course and wide floodplain, creating a wet woodland of alder and willow carr of high biodiversity value. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Lower Breakish Common Grazings Committee | Ardnish path improvement | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | To renovate a footpath connecting the townships of Upper and Lower Breakish and Waterloo on the Isle of Skye across the Ardnish peninsula, providing a safe, accessible active travel route to places of work, primary school and local services. | Transport | ↑ |
Mallaig Pool | Mallaig Leisure Centre Upgrade | £5,000.00 | 2016/17 | To install three energy efficient heating circulation pumps, with the aim of ensuring the long term sustainability of the Centre by improving efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions and costs; to disseminate the results through a case study and interpretive display. | Energy | ↑ |
Minginish Community Association | Growing Minginish/A’ Fàs Minginish | £10,000.00 | 2024/25 | A community garden in the grounds of Minginish Community Hall on the Isle of Skye will include a polytunnel and gardening workshops, providing an environment where people and plants can grow together. | Food | ↑ |
MOO Food | Incredible Edible Phase 2 | £5,000.00 | 2018/19 | To develop an under used area of land in Muir of Ord into a community garden and growing space for the community, as part of a wider community initiative by MOO Food. | Food, Education | ↑ |
Mull & Iona Community Trust | Mull and Iona Environmentally Sensitive Solutions (MESS) website | £3,225.00 | 2019/20 | To produce a website and leaflet to promote information about environmental and sustainability issues and how they relate to the remote and rural locations of Mull and Iona. | Waste, Education | ↑ |
Nairn River Enterprise | Nairn Community Orchard | £3,191.00 | 2017/18 | To establish a community orchard, as an educational resource, learning space and community gathering place, in an underused public park in the centre of Nairn. | Education, Food | ↑ |
Naturally Useful | The Hub - facilities for health & wellbeing projects & apprentices | £10,000.00 | 2022/23 | Naturally Useful received funding to build ‘The Hub’ to host and facilitate health & wellbeing projects as well as an apprenticeship programme on recently purchased land in Rafford, Forres. | Education | ↑ |
North Harris Trust | Tarbert Growing Project | £5,869.00 | 2023/24 | To develop a piece of overgrown land in Tarbert, secured on lease, to offer outdoor allotments and indoor raised beds, giving residents the opportunity to grow fruit and vegetables. A small native tree nursery will also be developed. For the first season, The North Harris Trust will fund a Gardener/Educator to facilitate growing sessions and offer adhoc training. | Food | ↑ |
Old Allangrange Farming Partnership | Practical Horticultural Internship - learning how to grow food sustainably | £10,000.00 | 2024/25 | The intern will be involved in all aspects of growing vegetables from propagation to harvest, processing and storage. They will learn about the importance of working with nature, as a part of and not separate to the land they are working. | Internship | ↑ |
Our Seas | Sustainable fisheries film | £5,000.00 | 2020/21 | To produce a short film to raise awareness of issues impacting the health of our coastal seas and fisheries and support the campaign for urgent change to the management of our inshore fisheries. | Marine | ↑ |
Outfit Moray | Bike Revolution - Lighting | £2,073.60 | 2020/21 | To improve the lighting in the Bike Revolution premises, improving efficiency and creating a more welcoming and safe environment for staff, volunteers and customers. | Energy | ↑ |
Outfit Moray | Bike Revolution | £4,960.00 | 2018/19 | Funding towards bike lockers and mechanics training to enhance the activities undertaken in encouraging increased numbers of the local community to adopt sustainable lifestyles through cycling. | Transport | ↑ |
Peffery Way Association | Peffery Way | £4,050.80 | 2016/17 | To create a safe, low level and accessible active travel route between Dingwall and Strathpeffer - funding was provided at the initial stage for survey and planning work. | Transport | ↑ |
Peffery Way Association | Peffery Way - Blairninich section | £2,130.00 | 2020/21 | Funding was provided to extend a section of the Peffery Way, a safe, low level and accessible active travel path between Dingwall and Strathpeffer. | Transport | ↑ |
Pemaculture Association | ScotLAND - Engaging the H&I | £5,000.00 | 2018/19 | * To set up a network of ScotLAND Centres of permaculture and climate adaptation* To deliver a Highlands & Islands Permaculture Design course. | Food, Education | ↑ |
Permaculture Association | ScotLAND Outreach Project | £5,000.00 | 2019/20 | To design and deliver an online course, Designing for Resilience: Foundations in Permaculture for the Highlands and Islands | Food, Education | ↑ |
Peter MacDonald Solutions | Roadmap to a forest nation | £7,750.00 | 2021/22 | To undertake a suite of work, with a mix of technical, commercial and policy elements, to evaluate what is needed to move Scotland, and specifically the Highlands & Islands, into becoming a sustainable and dynamic “Forest nation”. | Forests & land, Economy | |
Portree & Braes Community Trust | Portree Community Allotments | £9,924.92 | 2021/22 | To develop an area designated as a community green space for allotments and communal growing. | Food | ↑ |
RE:CirculateSutherland/Kevin Worrall | Sutherland Plastic Recycling Pilot | £8,067.00 | 2021/22 | To set up a social enterprise to carry out a pilot project for the collection, re-use and recycling of plastic waste - in particular agricultural - in the Northern Highlands, with any any remaining plastic being processed locally into products for sale. | Waste | ↑ |
River Revivers | Reviver recruit (Internship) | £9,880.00 | 2024/25 | At the end of this 3-month internship, the intern should have a good understanding of practical riverine restoration. They will receive training in and undertake work on river habitat surveys across the Highlands. They will be involved in implementing four projects including constructing leaky dams and riparian tree planting. The practical side of this will give the intern a unique skill set as well as providing an opportunity to experience both practical hands-on work and the more survey, computer modelling, report writing and desk-based aspects. | Internship | ↑ |
Ross County Foundation | County's Climate Challenge | £4,845.00 | 2016/17 | As part of County's Climate Challenge Project, funding was provided to create a programme aimed at P4/5/6 children throughout the Highlands, using the hook of football to encourage participation. | Education | ↑ |
Ross-shire Waste Action Network (RoWAN) | Tunnel Vision | £4,286.00 | 2015/16 | To work in partnership with Transition Black Isle to support one Black Isle primary school and their community, to grow all year round fruit and vegetables in a polytunnel, through co-ordinated events and activities. | Food, Education | |
Royal Countryside Fund | Farm Resilience Programme (Scotland) | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | Contribution towards the funding of the 2023/24 Farm Resilience programme, in particular adding up to three Scottish groups with at least one located in Highlands & Islands. The small scale farms will be provided with the skills and knowledge needed to build financial and environmental sustainability through bespoke, locally-focussed workshops and one-to-one support. | Education, Forests & land, Food | ↑ |
Royal Scottish Geographical Society | Climate Emergency Summit: Food | £3,500.00 | 2020/21 | As part of RSGS' Climate Emergency Summits, the Trust contributed funding to the Food Summit. The summits provide a space for motivated people from across sectors to come together in a safe and open workshop environment to offer solutions to the climate emergency. These facilitated sessions are designed to use the collective expertise of participants to highlight purposeful actions and good practice examples, and to influence policy making. A summit was held and a report produced. | Food | ↑ |
Rural Housing Scotland | Radical rural housing | £9,580.00 | 2022/23 | To examine whether cooperative housing such as Mutual Home Ownership Cooperatives (MHOC) can help solve the lack of affordable housing for young people in the Highlands, as well as contribute to reducing individual households' dependency on fossil fuels and finite resources by enabling more shared resources such as communal heating systems, shared transport, growing space, shared renewables, and shared workspace. | Economy | ↑ |
SCOTLAND The Big Picture | Rewilding - Hearts & Minds | £5,000.00 | 2021/22 | To produce a report to identify the social and cultural barriers to rewilding in Scotland. Hearts & Minds seeks to assess those barriers and evaluate how they might be overcome. | Forests & land | ↑ |
SCOTLAND The Big Picture | Rewilding Nation | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | The Scottish Rewilding Alliance is a coalition of over 20 charities, community groups and landowners who share a mission to enable rewilding at a scale new to Scotland. SBP received funding on their behalf to support its ‘Rewilding Nation’ campaign. The Rewilding Nation campaign will be built around a feature length documentary, Why Not Scotland? | Forests & land | ↑ |
Scottish Ecological Design Association | A new vision for land use in Scotland - six conversations | £5,000.00 | 2020/21 | To host a series of six online ‘conversations', in partnership with other organisations, with the goal of reconsidering Scotland’s approach to land use. The aim was to discuss in an informed way how our land can be used from now and into the future, in the light of the radically changing demands on it. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Scottish Ecological Design Association | Mapping future food and climate change: gaming project | £8,995.00 | 2023/24 | To develop an interactive digital game that will promote new ways of thinking about how land around rural Scottish communities is used and could be better used. The project is a collaboration between SEDA Land, the James Hutton Institute, Scotland’s Rural College and Abertay University. The team will run a follow-up Field Workshop with a Highland community, as a trial demonstration which could be rolled out across Scotland. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Scottish Farm Land Trust | Access to land for agroecology | £4,700.00 | 2019/20 | Funding was provided to give access to vital legal support to allow SFLT to develop experience in selecting tenants and in understanding and developing leases and land management plans, before making the full commitment to purchasing land. | Food | ↑ |
Seaboard Communities Polytunnel | Seaboard Communities Polytunnel | £5,000.00 | 2017/18 | To erect a polytunnel and provide a space and activities to address social isolation and loneliness | Food | ↑ |
Shieling Project | Sustainable Micro-Dairy | £5,000.00 | 2018/19 | To refurbish a byre at the project site in Glen Strathfarrar to a functioning micro-dairy, providing an educational experience of the challenges and opportunities of small-scale sustainable farming. | Food, Education | ↑ |
Sleat Renewables Ltd | Community Split Log Project | £1,295.86 | 2015/16 | To purchase equipment to expand and develop a split log fuel service to supply firewood from the Trust's Tormore Forest directly to local residents for domestic use. | Energy | ↑ |
Social Enterprise Academy | Developing Leaders for Sustainable Communities | £10,000.00 | 2024/25 | ‘Developing Leaders for Sustainable Communities’ is an 8-day leadership programme with optional accreditation available to learners who want to take action in their communities to tackle the climate emergency and bring about positive change. The course will be hosted in the Inverness area. | Education | ↑ |
Sophie Yeo | Inkcap Journal | £10,000.00 | 2021/22 | To focus Inkcap Journal articles on Scottish conservation issues, particularly in the Highlands and Islands. The articles will highlight a wide range of issues not normally covered by the mainstream press, with relevance to national Scottish debates around the landscape. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Spean Bridge Community Centre | Renewable heating system | £5,000.00 | 2017/18 | Funding was provided towards the installation of a renewable heating system. | Energy | ↑ |
St Vincents Therapy Garden | St Vincents Therapy Garden | £3,800.00 | 2016/17 | To provide on-going funding for a Project Manager to lead Social and Therapeutic Horticultural activity sessions for trainees with learning disabilities, mental health problems and long term unemployed.These sessions allow the trainees to be educated, guided and supported in growing and producing vegetables, fruit and flowers. | Food, Education | ↑ |
Stramash | Stramash Renewable Energy | £3,250.00 | 2017/18 | To install renewable energy into an on-site shelter to provide a teaching resource. | Energy, Education | ↑ |
Summer Isles Engineering/Steve Husband | Sundried Seaweed | £5,000.00 | 2021/22 | To develop a prototype solar-powered seaweed dryer into a small production model, enabling small local producers to hire or purchase a dryer suitable for their scale of operation. | Energy, Food | |
Surfers Against Sewage | Plastic collection | £1,000.00 | 2018/19 | Contribution towards a programme of activities involving the recruitment and training of Regional Volunteers in the Highlands & Islands; support and resources for beach cleans; and environmental education through school visits and projects, beach clean talks and plastic pollution education events. | Marine, Waste | ↑ |
Sustainable Fashion Scotland | Generation of waste exhibition tour | £7,200.00 | 2023/24 | The Generation of Waste exhibition aims to educate about the negative impacts of textile waste. The exhibition's tour across Scotland will raise awareness, encourage new approaches to creative thinking and foster collective action to tackle the urgent issues surrounding the fashion industry’s textile waste crisis. Each exhibition location will include a programme of educational events and workshops | Waste | ↑ |
Sustainable Strathspey | Greentown Show | £310.14 | 2022/23 | Contribution towards the running of the 2022 Greentown Show in Grantown, with the aim of educating and informing residents and visitors about how to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and finite resources. | Energy, Education, Waste | ↑ |
SW Mull and Iona Development | Tiroran Woodland Crofts - foundation Stage | £5,000.00 | 2019/20 | To carry out feasibility work and masterplanning for the establishment of six woodland crofts on land owned by South West Mull & Iona Development. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Tagsa Uibhist | Internship | £6,000.00 | 2021/22 | Working alongside Tagsa Uibhist’s Community Gardens team and engaging with local food producers and local businesses, a recent graduate with an interest in equitable sustainable development, food production, value chain development and nutrition will be supported to conduct research to write a Uist Local Fruit and Vegetable Map. Part of The Pebble Trust's internship programme. | Internship | ↑ |
Tagsa Uibhist | Uibhist Community Market Garden Development | £10,000.00 | 2023/24 | To develop and then deliver on a business plan for a Uibhist Community Market Garden. The aim of the project is to establish a market garden approach that will increase annual income from sales and create financial viability and sustainable growth. As well as selling a wide range of produce, trees and plants, The Community Gardens will also offer a Refillery and veg box scheme and host monthly food markets for local producers. | Food | ↑ |
Tagsa Uibhist | Reclaiming the Knowledge | £5,000.00 | 2015/16 | To produce a horticultural publication that seeks to share the rich resource of local knowledge and skills on growing fruit and vegetables successfully in the challenging and wild landscape of the islands of the Uists and Benbecula, Outer Hebrides. | Food, Education | ↑ |
Take One Action Film Festivals | Take One Action Inverness & Highlands | £5,000.00 | 2014/15 | To establish a network of individuals and groups in the region with the support, skills, films and tools neccessary to organise popular film screening events and audience impact activities on themes of sustainability and social justice. | Education | ↑ |
Talking Medicines | Antibiotics in Lorne | £4,750.00 | 2018/19 | To support a pilot to create a video animation about how antibiotics work, how to take them, and how to dispose of packaging and any remaining product correctly with an environmental view. | Education | ↑ |
TCV | Highland Community Recycling Pilot | £4,203.00 | 2018/19 | To set up a pilot programme to engage and provide training for a range of community groups across Inverness in wood recycling. | Education, Waste | ↑ |
Thurso Community Development Trust | Rotterdam St Gardens & Planters | £2,510.00 | 2022/23 | To bring the importance of food growing and community meeting spaces to Thurso town centre by creating an urban vegetable garden, community space and food plantings throughout the town. | Food | ↑ |
Tracey Sedgewick | Sanday Resource Reuse Repurpose | £5,000.00 | 2021/22 | With no current provision recycling collection on Sanday, funding was granted to purchase an industrial shredder and baler, providing a resident island recycling outlet. The equipment will be used to: * Process commercial and domestic waste materials into reusuable and saleable items, such as low cost animal bedding, garden mulch and fire bricks, with any excess being baled and shipped to the mainland for recycling. * Shred seaweed on the island's beaches for use and resale as garden mulch. | Waste,Energy | ↑ |
Transition North Ronaldsay | N.Ronaldsay Community Farm | £5,000.00 | 2021/22 | To develop and support a community garden and a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project. This project will allow the community to invest and support growing sustainable fruit and vegetable produce in their isolated and remote community whilst also teaching the community new and transferable skills. By running the community garden project with a CSA they hope to find a balance which enhances community spirit, improves wellbeing as well as providing a communal space, an income stream for one FTE and securing the long term future of the community garden with less dependence on funding. | Food | ↑ |
Transition Black Isle | Electricity Windfarms & You | £943.00 | 2014/15 | To host a public event on the Black Isle which aims to:* Improve understanding of long term energy issues in Scotland including progress towards CO2 emissions targets* To motivate people to take personal action for reasons that go beyond cost saving* To motivate people to take action in their community to address energy issues and support community energy initiatives | Energy | ↑ |
Upper Achintore Regeneration Group | Greening the Burn | £607.25 | 2021/22 | To rewild a green area with wildflower meadow and native trees. | Forests & land | ↑ |
Wester Lawrenceton Farm Educational Trust | Growing media propagation blocks | £7,210.00 | 2023/24 | Funding was provided to add value to a Field Lab project, funded by Innovative Farmers, 'Eliminating peat and plastic from propagation using growing media blocks', and will build on previous work funded by the Trust. In particular, the grant will support:* Laboratory testing of growing media produced* A scientist-led information-gathering exercise, including a literature review and interviews with key commercial growers who have experience of using peat-free growing media and blocks. | Food, Waste | ↑ |
Wester Lawrenceton Farm Educational Trust | Peat-free compost & plastic free seedlings | £3,895.85 | 2021/22 | To conduct trials in producing peat-free seed compost and soil blocks for raising seedlings without plastic. The aim is to provide a replicable model for setting up climate-friendly local seed propagation and seedling distribution. | Food, Waste | ↑ |
Wester Ross Growing Communities Assocation | Pocket Orchard | £2,000.00 | 2018/19 | Growth of root stock to provide eight communities with Pocket Orchards, providing opportunities to learn skills for fruit growth and encourage development of sustainable lifestyles. | Food | ↑ |
Woodland Trust Scotland | Loch Arkaig Roundhouse | £5,000.00 | 2021/22 | Working with the Loch Arkaig local community, to design and build a Roundhouse shelter, providing a base for volunteer work parties, a venue for outdoor learning, and a hub for events and workshops. In this remote area, the structure will open up the potential for increased numbers of volunteers and visitors to learn about the estate and woodland management. | Forests & land, Education | ↑ |
WWF Scotland | Pathways to net zero transition for Scotland's heat system | £5,000.00 | 2020/21 | To conduct research which aims to: * Influence Scottish Government policy to ensure net-zero, affordable heat systems for Scottish homes and businesses;* Reduce Scotland’s reliance on gas for heating;* Increase public knowledge about low carbon heating technology;* Share the results with industry and government and increase collaboration across sectors. | Energy | ↑ |