Pebble Trust Charitable Objectives
All projects that we support have to meet our charitable objectives, and in particular must contribute to reducing our dependency on fossil fuels and finite resources.
The detailed Pebble Trust objectives are:
Community Development
The advancement of community development, in particular encouraging local communities to become stronger and more self-reliant through the adoption of sustainable lifestyles.
Environmental Protection
The advancement of environmental protection or improvement, in particular supporting organisations and individuals developing sustainable lifestyles and projects which take into account future resource availability, fossil fuel use, climate change and the desirability of a more equal society.
Education and Science
The advancement of education and science, in particular carrying out research and education relating to the technical and social aspects of sustainable lifestyles.
Projects funded will be expected to benefit the public through:-
- a reduced resource intensity of lifestyles, thereby contributing to a more sustainable future
- a contribution to individuals’ awareness, and the technical knowledge required for sustainable lifestyles
- making results known, thereby disseminating and promulgating the results of funded projects
See the Applications page for more details of how to apply for a grant.
Please note: we are working on listening, learning and reflecting on the ways in which inequality, inequity, racism, and uneven distributions of power are woven into structures and institutions in society. We are currently reviewing our own processes to ensure that we are actioning our commitment to fairness. We will be looking to our grantees, our prospective applicants, and those we work closely with to share learnings on this.